Do you have favorite writers or people you truly admire their craft and think they are great today? You should check out their first book, article or the first work they did and compare with what they're doing now. The first thing you'll discover is that growth and development has happened because they learned on the job and are still learning. This is just the way life works. Nobody starts out perfect. Many people who are great today had blurry pictures of their skills when they started but as they journeyed, the picture kept getting clearer and clearer. If you're still doubting that you have what it takes to start your journey, you should read "Do you have what it takes?" Here's the link: My cousin once told me that the result is in the repetitions and honestly, this is so true. Consistency is not easy to attain but it holds the key to attaining perfection. These are the words of...
Here, Favour shares everything life related; faith, religion, love, and relationship.