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Showing posts from January, 2022

The Result is in the Repetitions

  Do you have favorite writers or people you truly admire their craft and think they are great today? You should check out their first book, article or the first work they did and compare with what they're doing now.  The first thing you'll discover is that growth and development has happened because they learned on the job and are still learning. This is just the way life works. Nobody starts out perfect. Many people who are great today had blurry pictures of their skills when they started but as they journeyed, the picture kept getting clearer and clearer. If you're still doubting that you have what it takes to start your journey, you should read "Do you have what it takes?" Here's the link:  My cousin once told me that the result is in the repetitions and honestly, this is so true. Consistency is not easy to attain but it holds the key to attaining perfection. These are the words of...

How to not lose someone you love

Have you ever hurt someone or gotten in a very bad place with someone you genuinely care about? Here are some tips that could help you revive your relationship with that person. 1. Be honest with yourself: By being honest, you must accept that you need this person and that you do not want to lose them forever regardless of what may have happened. Forget that they say no man is indispensable, but you know that there are just people you can't afford to lose. This acceptance helps you take away pride; that feeling that makes you think you don't need them even you know that you do. 2. Get to know the details: Many times, it is not proper to leave certain things unsaid when you hurt people. You should hear from them if they're willing to speak to you and know how your actions directly or indirectly affected them. What this does is that it helps your apology that will come afterwards not to exist in a vacuum. You must know what exactly you're being sorry for in order to h...


"If it gives you peace, do it" is what my sister once told me when I was seeking for her advice on a particular situation and this is so much more than good advice. At the end of the day, I found the solution to my problem not by following conventions but simply by listening to what I really wanted to do. I hope you realize early that no one's experience is accepted as the standard and that there are situations that would require your voice and yours only. There are no hard and fast rules to situations like this. At the very end, you've got to choose your self. Your peace. Your voice. Here you would answer, "what works for you?" and not how everyone has been going about it? It's a world filled with many voices; speaking out what they've probably tried and what they think works, but you must learn to have a voice and also know when to pay attention to what it's saying.


Do you know it’s easy to believe that God heals the sick and brokenhearted when you are not the sick or the brokenhearted? It is also easy to believe that God makes the blind to see, the deaf to hear and the lame to walk when you are not the blind, the deaf or the lame. Of course, God raises the dead when you are not the dead. But I’ll tell you what, when you become the person directly affected by these situations, you'll understand that there's a level of pain that fights faith with all of its resources and at the end shows if you ever truly believed or not. The truth about pain is that it is an inevitable part of humans’ existence. HOW DOES PAIN FIGHT AGAINST FAITH? 1. It takes away your happiness: The first thing pain does in anyone’s life is make them unhappy. Of course, the universe does not expect you to stay happy if you’ve been fighting cancer for the past few years or have lost your both parents and siblings in a year. So gradually, you’ll discover that nothing makes ...


"Death gives you perspective." I first saw this line on a person’s Facebook post and it made so much sense to me. I have never really been bothered with the issue of death up until 2021 when I lost a beautiful auntie, God rest her soul, and this experience made me to begin to think about death more often, my death even. That a time will come in my life and all I’ll have about my dad, mum, some aunties and uncles and even some friends will all be memories. And up till today, I have never really understood this but it is something that must happen. It could also be me dead and all they will have about me will be memories. Memories which I hope will bring them laughter and not tears. I think experiencing death closely brings a lot of changes to the way that a person views life.  There’s something I normally would say to any of my sibling whenever they refuse to give me something that I asked for and that thing is, “Uwa bu turn by turn Nigeria limited” (I’m not even sure how Nige...


  I think that the way God designed life is that it be in stages. Stages that come and go. These stages also appear to be designed in a way that you get to only live them once. When I entered the university newly, before going back every semester, my mum would pack my bags. Even during the times that I tried to grow up and do my thing, I would make a mess of it and she would repack it beautifully. Sincerely, I enjoyed those moments. Fast-forward to now, this is my last semester in the university and on the day that I should pack my bags for school, my mum is seen nowhere around me or whatever I’m doing. But she did well to remind me to pack well because she wouldn’t be doing that anymore for me. Literally, this experience teaches that time happens to every stage in one’s life and the good news is, there’s absolutely nothing that you can do about this. There could be something though and that thing is to make sure to enjoy every moment and stage and also make the most of it. ...

Do you have what it takes?

This is one question that almost everyone asks themselves before taking any step-in life that seems huge. I also asked myself when I was getting ready for a debate for the first time in my secondary school. I wasn't sure if I had what it takes to stand before the crowd and defend a cause. " Am I going to sound convincing enough?" "Were they going to believe what I had to say ?" I had plethora of questions but these questions were only going to be answered if I got out on that field and did the debate. Truth is, you'll never know if you have what it takes for a job until you take a step and "put yourself out there" like a friend once advised me to. This isn't something you've never heard before but you're really doing yourself no good by waiting to figure everything out before taking a step. For years, I fancied with the idea of creating a blog. I would read about blogs, go to other people's blogs (already made people) and co...